SILJAN duo kitchen mixer

FM Mattsson Siljan Duo has a traditional lever as well as a touchless sensor function. The mixer is activated by holding a hand in front of the sensor. It will deliver a limited amount of water during a chosen time period - 4, 8 or 12 seconds, but can easily be stopped by holding the hand again in front of the sensor. Simple and hygienic!
Chrome, battery operation (included battery)
Article number
Flow 3 bar
10.2 l/m


  • Cold Start
  • Ceramic cartridge with soft closing function
  • Adjustable flow control and temperature limiter
  • Eco Flow (energy and water saving aerator)
  • Swivel spout, limitation part for 60°, 85°, 110° or 360° included
  • Flush Timeout - safety shut-off to prevent flooding
  • Can be turned off for 5 min. (eg for cleaning)
  • Low power consumption - Long life
  • IP class sensor, IP67
  • Approved non-return valves, EN-Standard EN1717

  • Automatic sensor calibration
  • All models can be adapted for either battery 6V or mains operation 12V AC/DC
  • For mains operation requires installation of the adapter kit FMM S600147
  • Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut (stainless steel braided)
  • Hole diameter Ø34-37 mm

  • Programmable detection distance
  • Adjustable flush time
Backflow protection unit type EB
K Siljan Duo utan EDMA.jpg
No. FMM No. RSK Description
44450009 8295353 Accessories (limitation segment, stop screw, allen wrench 3 mm)
1 58501000 8592023 Complete lever, chrome
2 58511000 8592021 Cover lid with colour marking
3 58521000 8592020 Cover sleeve, chrome
4 58530140 8241726 Fastening nipple with service tool
5 S600298 3870203 Service tool
6 S600273 8387230 Ceramic cartridge with service tool, cold start (green ring)
7 58641000 8594560 Lock kit for swivel spout
8 58652000 8394004 Chrome
9 29142200 8281524 Housing M22 int.
10 29102710 8281528 Aerator insert, 9–11 l/min at 300kPa
11 S600159 8387097 Fastening kit, for kitchen mixer
12 37801550 8295350 O-ring 15,54 x 2,62, 2 pcs
13 29390000 8295356 Fastening nipple
14 35974009 8592038 Care-kit
15 58504000 8592049 Care-lever, complete
16 S600327 8398044 Mixing valve
17 S600277 8398040 Solenoid valve
18 S600166 8387157 Sensor
19 S600325 8398043 Battery holder
20 S600135 8483191 Battery
21 S600141 8229257 Transition nipple
22 S600131 8483190 AC adapter
23 S600129 8483188 Power supply 12V
24 S600308 8387263 Stabilizer kit


Accepted installation instructions

Safe Water Installation (Säker Vatteninstallation) is a set of industry* regulations to safeguard the quality of sanitary installations, prevent injury and damage and ensure compliance with the building regulations of the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket).


Lead Free means that we have eliminated the lead that is normally found in brass alloys. This will reduce environmental impact of the products. Products classified as Lead Free contain less than 0.1 % lead.


Energy labelling is an objective rating system that shows exactly how much energy a mixer uses. The system was developed by a number of players including sanitary fittings manufacturers, building companies, property owners and authorities such as the Swedish Energy Agency. It is based on standardised laboratory tests and certification rules. Its aim is simple: to offer impartial help for buyers, installation firms, air conditioning consultants and consumers. The mixer’s energy performance is assessed by measuring and registering water pressure, mixed water temperature and flushing time for twelve different activities. The values registered for each of these activities are added together to obtain a total energy consumption value, which is displayed on the label. This total value determines the mixer’s energy rating.

