Shower panel with safe and effective water purification
Shower panels with water purification
FM Mattsson proudly presents the world’s first shower panel to offer safe and effective water purification through UV LED technology. The unique combination of FM Mattsson’s world-leading electronics and thermostat technology and Watersprint’s unique UV LED disinfection results in an extremely safe product for combating legionella bacteria.
Integration of the shower panel and the UV LED unit ensures that the shower water is always disinfected. If the UV unit stops working, the shower panel switches off. Use our Tronic WMS system to manage and monitor your installed shower panels including the UV LED unit.

Shower panels
9502-0100 Tronic Shower panel WMS Watersprint, pre-mixed water.
9503-6100 Tronic Shower panel WMS Watersprint, thermostat.
(All panels are delivered with a 10 m cabel and transformer.)
1621-7000 Internal cabling UV-unit for shower panel.
9503-6100 Transformer 24V Watersprint.